Meal Plans

Knowing what to eat for weight loss and finding inspiration for recipes can be tough.


These menu plans have been designed to give you an idea on how to achieve healthy balanced meals for specific calorie counts. To determine the calorie intake appropriate for you, use our My Energy Calculator or speak to our LivingLite® nurse advisor. 


The plans provide a variety of delicious options and recipes both vegetarian and non vegetarian. Breakfast, lunch and snacks have been provided as individual serves and dinner recipes cater for 4. You will notice that snack ideas have not been put in at a particular point in the day. We want you to be able to individualise this and add them in when you feel hungry.


1000 calorie meal plan



(PDF, 6.9 MB)

1000 calorie vegetarian meal plan



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1200 calorie meal plan



(PDF, 5.8 MB)

1200 calorie vegetarian meal plan



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1500 calorie meal plan



(PDF, 4.7 MB)

1500 calorie vegetarian meal plan



(PDF, 4.2 MB)

1750 calorie meal plan



(PDF, 2.6 MB)

1750 calorie vegetarian meal plan



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2000 calorie meal plan



(PDF, 5.1 MB)

2000 calorie vegetarian meal plan



(PDF, 6.9 MB)